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These are small sock sized bags, made from remnants & left overs from larger bags. Hence the term 'scrap', not that there's anything wrong with them!

These are generally made in limited numbers, and my scraps box is slightly exploding after a prolonged period away from shows during covid. These are offered at a juicy discount to reflect the fact that they're from leftovers, and the fact that I have so much in my work room I can't move!

Definitely not to be repeated, stock listed here is all there is. Please note that some bags have sold out and been removed from the dropdown list. New photos will follow,


Sizes are approximately 7 3/4 x 7 1/2in (20 x 19cm) and have a 2 1/2in (6cm) flat bottom, for the majority of bags. Please bear in mind though that these are made from leftovers and this can vary a little.


The ones in the 4th picture (swallows/colourful sheep etc) pic are approximately 9 1/4in x 7in (24cm x 17cm) with a 2 1/2 in (7cm) flat bottom. Same capacity, different dimensions!


The bags in the 6th picture (bees/butterflies/fairy dots etc) are a little shorter than most. Still a good size for one skein projects.

All made from pure cotton outer & liner, with a zip for access and security.

Small sock sized scrap bags
